As Mental Health Awareness Week draws to a close, I'd like to focus on how it relates to justification.
Because of Justification by Faith (click on this link for an explanation by a much younger me!)
If I have mental health issues, people might look down on me. But Father God looks at me with a smile, saying, 'This is my son with whom I'm well pleased [because you're In-Christ]'(Matt 3:17)
If I have mental health issues, I might look down on myself. But Father God says, 'No-one is righteous, no one is good enough without my Son's righteousness being given to them. Here, take my Son's righteousness.' (Rom 3:10, 20-24)
If I have mental health issues, people might pass me over for things, But Father God says, 'I have chosen you and made you holy and blameless in my sight.'(Eph 1:4)
If I have mental health issues, people might judge me, But Father God says, 'Who are you to judge one of my servants? Is your mind 100% healthy?' (Jer 17:9; Rom 2:21-23)
If I have mental health issues, it might just make it even clearer to me how much I badly need Jesus' robe of righteousness.
If I look down on others with mental health issues, this might make it clearer to me how much I'm not trusting in Christ's righteousness.
If you wanna think about this more, here's a sermon called 'Are you good enuff?'