Our conference is coming soon!
We're going to meet at East London Tabernacle on Saturday 10-4:30pm 19th November 2016.
I'll be doing a talk on 'Christ Centered Church' - what is it? Is it different to Gospel centred? How do we do it?
Graham Miller the CEO of London City Mission will be talking about the Socially deprived. Who are they today and where are they living?
Simon Smallwood from Dagenham will be talking on reaching the socially deprived in grass roots ways.
All these talks are intended to help us see the way forward for reaching the socially deprived in the UK. The vision of RTU is to see ‘a movement of Christ centred churches reaching the social deprived in a grass roots way’.
We will also be having worship sessions, a time for testimonies, and a panel discussion.
I'll let you know as soon as booking opens. [UPDATE booking is here]
If you want to know more about 'Reaching the Unreached', head over to http://www.urbanministries.org.uk/rtu.html